Leverage Your Business Performance with a Business Mentor or Coach from International Business Mentors

18th Oct , 2022

A confidential business mentor or coach from International Business Mentors will challenge you to further develop your business and your own leadership contribution. Our business mentors and coaches deliver supportive relationships and can act as your personal sounding board. Your matched business mentor or coach will naturally fill any strategic or experience gaps from their own extensive business backgrounds.

Areas Where Business Mentoring & Coaching Can Help

Here are just a few areas where the right business mentor or coach can help you:

  • Critically reviewing your strategy as your strategic and confidential sounding board
  • Coaching you to develop further:
    • Frameworks to solve business problems
    • How to evaluate opportunities
    • Leadership capability
  • Getting you critically thinking about your business, such as:
    • Improving financial performance through incremental changes with customer relationships to improve cashflow, returns and profit
    • Improving your use of limited capital and funding to improve shareholder returns and net cashflow generation
    • Critically assessing your people
      • Have they retired in the job?
      • Or can you give them a new lease of life and motivate and lead them to higher performance and a more fulfilling business existence?
  • Increasing your long-term control over the operation of the business through better organisational structure, corporate governance, job accountability, and policy and procedures
  • Considering how to better focus, mentor and coach your people on performance, with a targeted performance-based business culture
  • Implementing better frameworks to encourage the generation and capture of high potential new business ideas
  • Improving succession planning and crystallising what you really want to happen further down the track to you, your people and the business
  • Getting staff back into the office, or getting staff out of the office!
  • Downsizing overheads and improving cashflow
  • Considering the extra funding needed to step up growth and push the business
  • Facilitating new markets, sales, customers and business growth initiatives
  • Improving complex business relationship problems, with a business mentor or coach who is independent of the enmeshing complexities and emotions
  • Considering your own leadership positioning in your business hierarchy and what structures will best work for the business objectives and the target culture you need to succeed
  • Improving your thinking on investment in people as a longer-term approach to developing people, improving their motivation and getting a return on your investment
    • Have you got the right people to underpin the future strategy?
    • How do you need to upskill your experience and skills to support the future strategy?
  • Help with navigating business and industry politics, using your business mentor or coach as a confidential and independent sounding board

The above are a few examples of how business mentoring can add more value to your business and help you develop further.

Get Matched to the Right Business Mentor or Coach

To be effective, business mentoring or business coaching must be customised to fit well with you personally, as well as your leadership and your business. To leverage your business strategy, performance and leadership with a perfectly matched business mentor or coach, contact International Business Mentors today.

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