
Business Focus Should Now Be On Post-COVID Readiness

September 18, 2020

By Christine Cartney, September 2020

COVID-19 has permanently changed how we operate our businesses and also substantially altered how we think that our businesses should operate in the future.

Business leaders must lead from the front and deal with their business’s wider and immediate challenges to drive home the success that their business and their people should be aimed at. They must also look to the future business approach and configuration in order to successfully compete in the future and deliver longer term performance.

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Why Engage a Business Mentor to Support You in These Difficult Times?

August 4, 2020

by Christine Cartney

Countless COVID-19 impacted business leaders could benefit from the support of a business mentor or coach from International Business Mentors can provide.

In the current challenging conditions, business on your own can be difficult, especially when you’re trying to ensure your business’ survival or maximise its potential. There are numerous strategies and approaches you can take and many issues to deal with.

A close relationship with a business mentor or coach from International Business Mentors gives you access to confidential support and lets you tap into their broad business experience.

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Positive Leadership Outlook Needed for Business Fight Back from COVID-19

August 19, 2020

By David Cartney August 2020

Never before have business leaders faced a fight back in business as widespread as the one from COVID-19. Business success and economics are now colliding to frustrate the performance recovery. While support and guidance from business mentors can help, positive outlooks are needed by all in business as a strategic competitive advantage to assist with business recovery.

In sports, when a team is losing a match very badly,

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Business Focus in These Uncertain Times

July 16, 2020

By David Cartney, July 2020

The power of staying focused in business in these uncertain times will reap benefits greater than getting distracted and losing your strategic focus and intent.

Even in “normal” times, it was often difficult for business leaders and their key people not to get distracted in both strategy and execution, causing tensions and poor performance due to contradictory moves in conflicting directions. This ultimately leads to poor business performance and failure against strategic expectations.

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Purpose – Why is Purpose Important in Business?

June 19, 2020

By Chris Cartney, June 2020

Your business purpose should resonate both with your people and customers. You should be envisioning your business as one where employees are excited to go to work and customers are loyal to your business without a second thought. Business purpose has been described as the “philosophical heartbeat” of a company. Greg Ellis, former MD of the REA Group, said his company’s purpose was “to make the property process simple, efficient,

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Strategic Business Innovation is Critical for Survival, Growth and Competitive Advantage in our Rapidly Changing Business World

June 1, 2020

By David Cartney, May 2020

Given the complete disruption to many business sectors with the current COVID-19 crisis, it is time to reassess your business’ capabilities and focus on what you should provide for both existing customers and new customers. This requires a healthy disrespect for what has succeeded in the past and a great deal of innovation and fast research. Therefore, one aspect of business where it is now critical to gain competitive advantage is strategic innovation.

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Critical Review of Your Business During COVID-19

May 15, 2020

By David Cartney, International Business Mentors – May 2020

Coronavirus related disruption is a challenging time for all businesses, and especially for business leaders. Now is the time to review the short term and rethink longer-term strategies for an emerging future before your competition beats you to the punch. While it can be helpful to do this with guidance from a business mentor, even conducting a review on your own can be beneficial. Business survival is up for grabs,

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Trends that Are Fast-Tracking Because of COVID-19

April 23, 2020

We now find ourselves in a surreal world where what’s normal is changing constantly, with more restrictions and unpredictable outcomes facing us every day. Mental and economic challenges are unavoidable, as are the many spin offs associated with them. Although it may seem hard to put a positive spin on things right now, we must look forward positively and prepare for a different future with new opportunities.

The COVID-19 virus has changed our behaviour as it continues to sweep through the world,

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Understand Your Strengths and Weaknesses

April 1, 2020

We all think we know where our own talents lie, and what we are not so good at, but what if our perception is not realistic? In a business environment, any perception gap of our strengths and weaknesses can negatively impact business performance. Recognising real strengths in the business and maximising contribution, plus developing strategies to acquire or develop missing critical talents, is a recipe for continuous improvement and competitive advantage.

At International Business Mentors,

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Often Overlooked Business Talent Are the Seniors in the Diversity Pool

March 16, 2020

The focus on diversity in business continues to be embedded in the thinking and culture of organisations globally, along with the benefits of embracing relevant diversity policies.

“A diverse mix of voices leads to better discussions, decisions, and outcomes for everyone.” — Sundar Pichai, CEO of Google

However, the diversity debate centres largely around the benefits of having more gender balance in the workplace, and this focus often overlooks another powerful and advantageous contributor to the business – seniors!

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