
Cyber Security

February 26, 2016

Information that is processed stored and communicated electronically is subject to a wide range of constantly evolving security breaches, hence the need for Cyber Security and keeping it up to date.

Cyber infiltration affects individuals and businesses in all demographics and industries and sadly many are falling victim to increasingly sophisticated scams, frauds and hacking.

Children and their parents are constantly reminded to be alert to online predators and inappropriate information. 

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A good Business Mentor does not give lip service

February 26, 2016

A good business mentor will give candid and honest feedback to the people they mentor (mentees) and not just agree for the sake of conviviality.

Should they disagree with the thoughts or decisions being made by their mentees they will tell them and why.

How they deliver that message will vary according to their particular style and how the mentee would best react to it.

Right between the eyes,

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Women in Business and Women on Boards

February 26, 2016

The case for greater board and senior business position diversity could not be clearer. Well-managed, diverse teams are more productive, more innovative, and have higher collective intelligence than homogenous teams. Gradually women in business and women on boards of directors have increased their representation over the past few years.

The signs are encouraging, and globally, women have significantly increased their representation on boards. 

  • In Norway and Iceland the number of women on boards is 40%
  • Sweden and Finland have 27%.
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Finding the Perfect Business Mentor for You and Your Business

February 26, 2016

If you think you need a business mentor then you will benefit from the relationship from the start. Our business mentoring involves a business and personal developmental relationship in which an experienced or knowledgeable business person helps to guide a less experienced business person, or one who needs to bounce ideas off an independent third party in a safe and secure relationship. Business mentoring is more than just answering occasional questions or providing ad hoc help.

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Retaining good People is good business

February 26, 2016

Job for life and loyalty gone

Long past are those heady days when individuals embarking on a career joined an organisation and expected to stay there for all or most of their working life. This past longevity of employment relationships did encourage deep loyalty, friendships and security, which in turn held, even many of the most ambitious employees in place. This is no longer the reality for most people and organisations.

The emerging challenges for organisations

Organisations now evolve quickly in response to pressure and are adapting more rapidly to change itself.

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Setting a Robust Governance Framework for your Business

February 26, 2016

Corporate governance applies to all businesses from the huge multinationals to the modest SME, and yet many organisations neglect this fundamental aspect of running a successful business.

What is corporate governance?

Corporate governance refers to the set of systems, principles and processes by which a company is governed. They provide the guidelines as to how the company can be directed or controlled such that it can fulfill its goals and objectives in a manner that adds to the value of the company and is also beneficial for all stakeholders in the long term.

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Is Independence in Business Mentoring Critical for Success?

February 26, 2016

Special close and fiduciary type relationships

Special close and fiduciary type relationships are enhanced in any mentoring relationship where the mentor is well experienced, has the required skills and personality to mentor and is independent of the executive’s organisation.

Typically, in a pure fiduciary relationship a person prudently takes care of the best interests of and often the money, investments or other assets of another person. It is a very trusted and privileged position to be.

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As competition increases, evolve your Point of Difference

February 25, 2016

We are all challenged by competition for our customers’ business and most face increasing competitive pressure in their business sector.

To grasp needed growth or just to survive in highly competitive areas is tough. To thrive against the competition you need to adapt your business and improve in critical areas such as

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Escape the Group Think Trap

February 25, 2016

Group think creeps up

Group think creeps up and can dominate just about any group activity. These crucial group processes include problem-solving, developing opinions, wholesome discussions, and critical decisions that need to be made.

Group think can manifest itself particularly where members of a close-knit group are like-minded with similar opinions to each other. This leaves little room or tolerance of independent, critical evaluation or challenge. Insidiously, the group thinkers mentally put more emphasis on conformity than on independent thought.

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What keeps a family a successful Family Business

February 26, 2016

Family businesses play a major part in our economy and society, many owners want to see their children and grandchildren carry on the tradition but only 30% pass to the second Gen and only 15 % to the third Gen. The reasons vary but include:

  1. Family members did not communicate well or handle confrontation or conflict. This festered and problems impacted the business.
  2. Making each family member happy, took precedence over business and the business became uncompetitive,
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