CEOs shoulder the ultimate responsibility for their organisation’s success in every aspect: meeting its performance targets financially, operationally, in terms of customers, sales and marketing, and dealing with the competition. They must also lead, attract, motivate and organise the key people in their organisation. A person doesn’t get to be CEO without great skill and experience, but sometimes even CEOs can benefit from professional mentoring and business coaching. We take a look at what you can gain from our programs as a CEO.
CEO Mentoring

Support that’s Confidential

As a CEO, there are often not many people you can talk to about your company’s strategies and processes. In a mentoring relationship, candid discussion is essential for success. Whatever you speak to your mentor about will remain confidential, and vice versa, as your mentor will also share their own successes and mistakes as a CEO.

We will match you to a mentor who has a similar business background to yours, allowing you to get the most out of our service. Their wide experience may also help you to overcome personal blind spots or gaps in experience.

Growth in Your Business

For some CEOs, challenges in attaining desired growth for their business can be a motivation to seek out mentoring. Perhaps you want to expand on an already positive performance, or perhaps the company is struggling and you need some help to decide what strategies to choose for the next step. Whatever your needs, our professional mentors can help.

Transitioning for Succession

We are often requested to assist in developing a succession strategy so that the CEO can implement this process when the time comes. Authoritative people often find it hard to nominate and train their own successor. CEO mentoring can help you to let go and pass responsibility onto your new CEO or GM.

We can also mentor new CEOs to help them settle into their positions. We can even help if a challenge or factor has arisen that affects your business’ focus, making you unsure how to proceed. Our mentors can help steer you in such instances.

Planning for the Business

If you need assistance with business planning, our mentoring program can help review the business plans as well as the actual performance. They can also assist in challenging the plan to change if changing conditions make this necessary.


For CEOs, mentoring can assist to test your leadership or management approach in a non-threatening environment. You can try strategies out before putting them into practice, or simply get a second view based on your mentor’s experience in similar situations.

CEOs in Family Businesses

Mixing business with family offers its own unique dynamics and challenges. Mentoring can help guide and develop your leadership skills in this particular environment while meeting the business and family requirements.

Getting Ready to Sell the Business

Whatever the circumstances, whether it’s passing it on or to make it investor-ready, getting a business ready for sale can be an involved and nerve-wracking process. CEO mentoring from someone who has been through it themselves can be truly invaluable.

Facilitating Business Growth

There are many growth strategies that businesses can pursue, from mergers and acquisitions to expansion into new markets. Our CEO mentors can provide advice on them all. If you are considering entering an overseas market, we have a number of mentors who have successfully pursued this course and will be able to provide expert advice and assistance to help you avoid the numerous pitfalls that can occur.

What Your CEO Mentor Brings to the Relationship

All of our CEO mentors have a wealth of leadership experience across various industries. In addition to this, they are highly educated and trained in specific mentoring skills. This combination of qualities makes them extremely helpful as sounding boards for any new ideas you may have for your company, with ability to assess these ideas with practical experience and critical thinking.

Your Specific Requirements from Your CEO Mentoring

Whether you’re seeking CEO mentoring because your corporation is facing challenges, you’re new in the position and would like some guidance, or you need assistance on formulating strategy to take your business even higher, International Business Mentors can match you to an appropriate practitioner that best suits your needs. We also can provide a business mentoring program for a number of senior staff across an organisation, as well as for yourself.

If you are a CEO and would like to discuss our services further, please contact us and we’ll be happy to answer your queries.

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