Business Mentoring For Women

Women’s Success in Business

Women in business face a unique set of challenges. Whether you own a successful business, hold an executive position, or run a board in an organisation, taking on a business coaching or business mentoring program specifically designed for women can bring a wealth of benefits.

business mentoring for women

Women in all aspects of business grasp their commercial realities squarely and apply themselves to succeed. Over the past few decades, we have seen a growing impact of women’s business contributions and capabilities. From this, organisations have improved performance, with more women being placed on boards and in senior executive positions.

Encouraging Greater Gender Diversity in Business

Boards and senior executive teams are generally encouraged in business to have diversity of their members. With women more equally represented in the business ranks, this further deepens and fosters the benefits from this wider pool of talents and expertise within organisations, and improves the balanced view that follows. However, there is still some way to go in many business areas in addressing the balance.

Women’s Business Support Groups

Women in business and on boards are increasingly contributing with their respected contribution and capabilities in business. Some organisations and professional institutes have formed specialist women’s groups in recognition that women can help each other in business. These groups also offer support, encouragement and development for women to reach their greatest potential.

Tailored Business Mentoring for Women in Business

At International Business Mentors, we offer a unique approach to business mentoring for women. We place each person with a business mentor who is specifically matched for their individual requirements in a range of categories. These include:

  • Experience
  • Background
  • Personality fit
  • Other specific needs

This mentoring relationship provides great value to women in business, helping them to develop and providing a confidential and individual basis relationship that aims to empower.

Whilst many business issues and challenges are not gender specific, business mentoring provides a key development tool for professional women, which can help boost business skills. It can encourage an increase in self-confidence, promoting greater self esteem in finding your personal direction in your career. It also provides a learning opportunity, offering an exposure to new ideas and ways of thinking that can prove beneficial for your business.

Our mentoring service is often with the mentor as a sounding board, or tapping directly into the mentor’s experiences or strategic thinking. Women can benefit from this type of service, which will ultimately improve their business performance, nurture their development, and provide good support in a confidential relationship.

Call Us Today

If you’re looking to advance your career, contact us today for excellent business mentoring for women. At International Business Mentors, we’re always happy to help.

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